Speak with any creative, and they will tell you two things.
They have to create, whether it is the stage or sculpture and the fine arts or music or drama or prose or poetry, they cannot not do their art.
The ‘selling’ of the art can crush your soul.
It’s true. We all hear perhaps 10 noes, at a minimum, for every yes. Probably many more. My first book, Melanoma, it Started with a Freckle, was turned down by by 71 agents and small houses before it found a home. My current manuscript, Consider the Goat, a Novel, has been pitched to 53 agents as of 4/16/24, and is still in search of representation. You either figure out how to manage having your soul crushed on the regular, or you keep your art to yourself and a small circle of supporters.
This link takes you straight to my work on their site.
That’s why I am so damned excited about this. The Raven’s Perch is doing great work to keep real writing (not that AI clone shit) alive. Please support them. And me.
Click here, eh? Leave a comment. Share a piece. Every bit of creation you see out there? As Sting once sang, “That’s my soul up there.” Thanks.